----- UPDATE -----
We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this time.
We extend our thanks to you and everyone for the heart felt phone calls, messages, and comments we've received. It's great to feel loved and know that we have the best clients.
Unfortunately at this time the salon remains closed for any in salon service. We are hopeful and anxiously awaiting for government and health officials to give the green light. We are preparing for a safe salon environment so that once our doors reopen, we can ensure that all our wonderful staff and clients receive a safe salon experience.
We have been receiving a lot of phone calls regarding appointments that were affected by our shutdown. We appreciate and thank you for your concern and would like to reassure you all that once we do have a better idea on a return date, we will be reaching out to have your appointments rescheduled.
For those of our clients that do not have a previously scheduled appointment cancelled due to Covid 19
------- To Join Our Waitlist -------
We truly miss everyone so much and are looking forward to seeing you all upon the safe reopening of our salon. Thank you once again for your continued support.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out .... we are always here to help in anyway possible.
From all of us at
Hair Xtacy
Stay safe and be well
if you have any questions
Hair XTacy Salon
Downtown Ironstone
(905) 631 - 1977 (905) 322 - 3415
hairx@yahoo.com Carmen@hairxtacy.com